Online Cash Management - Commercial

Tax Payment

We offer our Tax Payment service as a free convenience to your company.

There are two ways to initiate the payments:

  • Arrange an account with the Electronic Funds Tax Payment systems to access their 24-hour telephone system or internet banking site to remit payments
  • Use our Online Cash Management product to initiate these transactions online from your computer

Benefits to Your Business:

  • Your company saves the cost of checks and much of the time it takes to handle its tax payments
  • Paying your taxes is as quick and easy as making a single phone call
  • Tax Payment ensures tax-reporting confidentiality and accuracy
  • Tax Payment can simplify your company’s federal tax payments and record keeping at no cost to you

ACH Services for Businesses


  • Save time and increase efficiency by eliminating check writing tasks
  • Reduce costs associated with paper checks
  • Improve cash flow
  • Control timing of disbursements and payment collections


  • Direct Deposit
  • Direct Debits
  • Direct Credits
  • Tax Payments
  • Data Import

Positive Pay Service


  • Reduces losses from check fraud by identifying fraudulent checks before they clear your account
  • Detects any inaccuracies between issued items and presented items
  • Provides daily exception items for your approval or denial by 11:00 a.m. (PST), Monday through Friday

Direct Debit

Now your company can reduce the time and expense of handling routine accounts receivables by putting these payments on “automatic” with Direct Debit.

How it works:

  • Your customers pre-authorize payment of routine bills from their checking accounts
  • You provide us with the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) file (or create one using our Online Cash Management system)
  • We automatically credit your account on the date and in the amounts your customers authorize

Benefits to Your Business:

  • Check-handling costs are eliminated
  • Bill-preparation costs are reduced or eliminated
  • Delinquency problems and charge-offs are dramatically reduced
  • Float is reduced
  • Money is saved on receivables collection
  • Cash-flow projections get better – because you’ll know when you receive payments from customers who take advantage of your Direct Debit Service
  • Direct Debit can be introduced to your regular customers as a real convenience to them – because it is

Perfect for such routine bills as:

  • Insurance premiums
  • Utility bills
  • Mortgage and rental payments
  • Contributions and dues
  • Installment loans
  • Retail charges
  • Variable payments

Savings for your customers, too:

  • Saves them the time and money involved in writing and mailing checks
  • They avoid any late charges which helps them to establish and maintain excellent payment records

Each business must qualify for the credit required to be an Automated Clearing House (ACH) originator. For companies with software that does not support electronic funds transfer, we offer Online Cash Management, which lets you take full advantage of our Direct Debit service.